
  1. A PlayerZero account. You can get started by creating an account.
  2. Sufficient permissions to grant PlayerZero read access to your code and read/write access for managing pull requests in your SCM (Source Control Management) system.

Summary of Steps


Create or Join a Project

Inside the PlayerZero platform, create a new project or join an existing project (project owners can invite new users through email).


Connect Your Code

Grant PlayerZero read access to your code and read/write access for managing pull requests in your SCM system.


Enable Specific Repositories

Select which repositories PlayerZero should monitor.


Allow for Processing

PlayerZero begins processing data to surface relevant insights.

Create or Join a Project

At the top-left of the screen, select the option to create a new project. If another member of your team has already created a project, contact them and they can send you a link to join through email.

Connect Your Code

The primary step is to grant PlayerZero access to your source control management (SCM) system. You may have already connected an SCM system during the signup process. If so, you can proceed to enabling specific repositories below.

To connect a repository:

  1. Navigate to the “Settings” tab in PlayerZero and select the “Code” anchor
  2. Select Your SCM System

Enable Specific Repositories

After connecting your SCM, you need to select which repositories PlayerZero should monitor. In the settings page, toggle the repositories you want to enable for ingestion.

  1. On the “Settings” tab inside the “Code” anchor, toggle on repositories that should be ingested. Here you can also toggle the primary reference branch (Main/Master)

Allow for Ingestion

Once you’ve enabled your repositories, PlayerZero will begin analyzing the code to surface relevant insights. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the size and complexity of your repositories.

Next Steps

Congratulations! Now that you’re up and running, here are the next steps to get the most out of PlayerZero: